wifi module for ALL-H3-CC Ubuntu 18.04
I have an rtl8188eus usb module that I've been trying to get to work with Ubuntu 18.04 on an ALL-H3-CC without any luck. It's consuming too much of my time, so I'm wondering if there's another one you guys would recommend that'll work out of the box.
I use that url in balenaEtcher, have it make my SD card, plug it in, and wait for it to boot up. Bingo, my usb wireless is connected. I go into sudo raspi-config and set it up, with my ssid: FBI and psk: password My USB is a TL-WN725N v1 and uses rtl8188eus driver also. It just works for me. Going to try the same version of raspbian on an old pi 3 I have to see if it will also recognize and be able to use the TL-WN725N, Maybe you can figure out what it is loading that is needed in other OS, that is beyond my expertise.