Boot trouble: Armbian_5.37_Tritium_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.13.img
Just received my Tritium 2GB yesterday!
Using "Armbian_5.37_Tritium_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.13.img" on two separate downloads and two separate microSD cards, I am not receiving any response from the board. When powered on, ONLY the power LED and both NIC port lights illuminate (solid). Nothing is output from UART @ 115200 baud. Is the image corrupt? An issue with my board? Wrong baud?
@JCS have you tried swapping the TX and RX wires around?
@loverpi They were properly oriented, but I swapped them to be thorough. There's still no output.
Do you have a place where you document your troubles/progress? It would be good to follow along: worst-case an educational experience, best-case I can assist.
@JCS For Armbian, I think it is best to use the Armbian forums so Tony can monitor it along with other people working on this. This is really for support of things other than Armbian
I am having the exact same experience with mine (arrived today) and I am on direct HDMI - looks like a hardware issue...
Actually, mine came back - re-flashed the SD card with Rufus instead of Etcher, and now it boots!