Build Scripts
Are there any build scripts available for these boards? Like the ones from Firefly, Armbian or BayLibre? I see in the Libre Computer Project Github the available resources, such as the kernel, overlay, uboot, etc... But no specific script or mechanism to bring it all together. Is there a Github available that has these tools? I'm most interested in building .IMG's for the Tritium and Le Potato. Such as the IMG's you make available.
Because using a combination of a slightly modified version of the BayLibre script and Armbian, I've been able to successfully build my own IMG's with even more built in wifi dongle support. I was hoping by seeing your scripting, I'd get a better understanding of how certain things worked. Such as growing the File System during boot, adding a swap partition "so forth and so on" without having to manually do it after the fact. Also seeing how this u-boot magic works and if having grub is even worth it, in some use cases.
It's a shame that you can't remove the "confidential information" and still provide a way in which users of the boards "you are selling", can still build and make images for them in a simplified fashion. As a user, i'm not trying to step on the toes of any "professional services offering" and just trying to get the best use out of the board(s) your providing.
Again, Thanx! And I hope at some point you eventually change your mind(s).
As for the rest, being a standard debootstrap affair and all of the blah blah blah being manual steps, I get it. I'm in the same boat, trying to work this out. Hence, the reason I reached out to you all in the first place. I'm also only interested in mainline Linux and "trying to figure out" this u-boot. It seems the more I read about u-boot, the more I find things not properly explained.
You provide IMG's for Raspberry Pi's, which as I'm sure you know have a Github and although you might have changed the recipe a bit, you are still using the proprietary bits to pull it all together. Also, if I'm not mistaken your original IMG's for some of these boards were built using the Armbian Builder. I'm just not seeing your lack of transparency here, as a good and open thing. No offense.
Anyway, if my customer information is some how wrapped up inside the build process of the IMG's you make, please remove that information. Cheers! and may the Schwartz be with you.
What are you talking about? This is not what we said.
I can dig through the Armbian forum as well, if you like? Anyway, it's besides the point and I think this has all gone off message. I don't have a problem building the .IMG's and I'm currently not using Armbian to do so. I've stated in earlier posts what my interests were and are and it's become absolutely clear that you have ZERO and NO interest in being open about anything. So... Let's just leave this closed and you can go on with what ever it is you call business as usual.
Just take one look at the code and you will see that Armbian is much better in terms of design. The code has improved since then but it's nothing to write home about.
Anyway, best wishes and hope all works out.
I'd do it myself, but for whatever reason it's not a option. Thanx!
I've already figured it out. From the Kernel, to the U-boot and all the in-between and even got the Grub thing (my keyboard works) almost completely under wraps. It's just a shame you feel the need to behave like a bunch of greedy truffle pigs and not be more open about your process. Anyway, you all keep staying ahead of that curb
By the way, most board manufactures provide the information I was requesting and even have a wiki explaining such things, along with a github. I guess you guys will get there eventually. I guess?
Please stick to the facts and read our responses carefully as we did not insult you and it is incorrect for you to claim such. Additionally we are not the board manufacturers.
Also, if I wanted to use Armbian, I would be doing so. Armbian is great, but sometimes one needs to build something specific or just doesn't wanna deal with the branding and extra what-not's that people like to put inside the IMG's.
In my use case, Armbian wasn't going to be helpful. The way they build isn't specific to one board, it's very broad and from what I've come to understand U-Boot can be implemented in many different ways.
In the beginning, I wasn't all that interested in Grub, but after figuring out what I needed to and getting everything running, I decided to look into that and see how useful it could be. Using your IMG's it didn't appear it could serve much purpose, because I was never able to get the keyboard to function in Grub. But with a functioning keyboard, I can see USB boot being an option or maybe installing to eMMC and then having another system that could boot from the SD card? Anyway, having a wiki would have sure been nice. Good thing everybody else does.
Libre Computer Project contributed to the following projects and development:
Armbian: >$10K USD
Upstream Amlogic Linux and u-boot: ~$400K USD
Linux and Related Event Sponsorships: $50K USD
Lima Project: ~$10K USD
RetroPie: $1K+ USD
libretro: ~$10K USD
Upstream Allwinner Linux and u-boot Support: ~$10K USD
NetBSD: ~$1K USD
atvX Project: ~$5K USD
Stop making false claims that you can't back up. You are coming off as being an asshole which we are sure is not your intention. Some basic research is warranted on your part.
I've made no false claims. You guys are not open about what you're doing. I just don't think you guys like questions.
Anyway, what you wrote above is completely irrelevant to the discussion within this forum.
And just for the record, I don't think it's me who is coming across as being an asshole. But does it matter? Probably not.
Reading is apparently beyond you:
We (LoveRPi) also do not manufacture boards. We do provide distribution and software engineering services.
If the Libre Computer Project has done all these things you say they have, well... All I can say to that is, fantastic! If it's just more smoke, mirrors and bs like your Amazon descriptions, well... Shit. You got me again!
I'll be looking forward to this 5.3 LTS you speak of and until then I think this conversation is beyond over.
Closed and banning for violating forum rules: