Backer 1501 - no "Wireless Mezzanine with Dual-Band, 2T2R, Bluetooth 4.2, Antennas" received

I've not received "Wireless Mezzanine with Dual-Band, 2T2R, Bluetooth 4.2, Antennas" with La Frite shipment. Is there any problem? 


  • I think I read that the mezzanines weren't ready for the La Frite boards. However, you'd be lucky to get an official answer soon, as I've been waiting close to a month to get an answer.
  • Backer 2,263. I've yet to receive an update on the mezzanine as well. Been months since any update on it. Highly disappointing considering the only 2 USB ports are being used for my wireless keyboard and WiFi, both of which functions would be supported by the mezzanine, so I could actually have USB ports to use. 

    The mezzanine was my main reason for supporting the project...
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