Is it dead?

All started when I connected my Lafrite, it did not load normally. I disconnected it and tried again but nothing, is dead. Both LEDs turn on but beyond that I have nothing, I have no image on the monitor that is the one I have always used and discard with another TV, HDMI cable and another power source but nothing.
Update 1:
I have already verified and discarded the hdmi cable, the power adapter, likewise remove the Emmc. 
Update 2:
I connected Lafrite through the USB port closest to the pins to the PC and it has detected it as "GX-Chip", I am looking for the driver and I have been able to install it with this app "Amlogic USB Burning Tool" and Windows detects it as "WorldCup Device". Beyond this point I don't know what I can really do because the Amlogic tool is to flash .img files and the firmware offered by LibreComputer for Lafrite are .bin
Thanks for any help you can give me


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